Template Definition Version 1 depricated

The following objects can be used in template files.


General information about the project are stored.

Name Description Example
projecthome home directory ${projecthome}
project.targetPath directory where the template is checked out ${projecthome}/${project.targetPath}/generator-templates/entity/entity.ftl
project.title name of the project ${projecthome}/${project.targetPath}/${project.title}/persistence/
project.template project template used - not used in templates  
project.packagePrefix you can choose a package name which will be included in the Java-package path ${projecthome}/${project.targetPath}/${project.title}/persistence/src/main/java/de/${project.packagePrefix?lower_case}/${project.title?lower_case}/entity/
project.description description of the project which is not used in templates warning: not possible anymore  
project.domains domain objects.  


The domain object is normally used in the template-files (*.ftl).


public class ${domain.name}Entity extends AbstractEntity {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	//domain attributes
	<#list (domain.getAttributes()) as attribute>
		<#if attribute.pattern?? && attribute.pattern?length &gt; 0 && attribute.dataType == "String">
	@Pattern(regexp = "${attribute.pattern}")
		<#if attribute.dataType == "String">
			<#if !attribute.nullable>


Name Description Example
domain.name name of the domain public class ${domain.name}Entity extends AbstractEntity {
domain.description description of the domain normally not used
domain.getAttributes() used to get all attributes of a domain <#list (domain.getAttributes()) as attribute>


As shown in the example above, attribute is used in comination with a domain.


<#if attribute.dataType == "Integer">
	@Column(name="${attribute.name?upper_case}"<#if !attribute.nullable>, nullable = false</#if>)
	public ${attribute.dataType} get${attribute.name?cap_first}() {
		return ${attribute.name};
	<#if attribute.dataType == "BigDecimal">
	@Column(name="${attribute.name?upper_case}"<#if !attribute.nullable>, nullable = false</#if>)
	public ${attribute.dataType} get${attribute.name?cap_first}() {
		return ${attribute.name};


Name Description Example
attribute.name name of the attribute @Column(name=”${attribute.name?upper_case}”
attribute.description description of the attribute normally not used
attribute.pattern Regex for validation of input @Pattern(regexp = “${attribute.pattern}”)
attribute.dataType   <#if attribute.dataType == “BigDecimal”>
attribute.min String: minimum length of the String. Number: smallest number  
attribute.max String: maximum length of the String. Number: highest number  
attribute.nullable Is false if attribut value is required <#if !attribute.nullable>, nullable = false</#if>