Build and Release Management
CICD Workflow
The following descriptions are based on gitflow best practices. Creating new features or bugfixes and release them is don by following steps:
- Create feature ticket
- Create new branche by using name
- Commit changes by using following message format:
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
. Types are: feat, fix, chore, docs, style, refactor, perf, test - Create pull request for merge into develop. Merging to develop automatically executes build and publish for project
- Create patch release by merging into main
By following the correct comit-message format, a changelog will be created automatically.
Manual Execution
You can execute workflows manually:
- buildpublish.yml (Build and Publish) to test docker builds and pushes on your own branch.
- createRelease.yml (Create release and tag)
- use
to check release creation or create a release for testing - use
and execute script on main branch: to build additional major and minor release
- use
(!) If you are executing patch or higher release on another branch than main, release numbering might get broken.